Colloidal Silver Parts Per Million in Relation to Atoms

Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver Parts Per Million Why It Works
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Colloidal Silver Parts Per Million Calculation
particle size comparison
Verifying the facts about the Colloidal Silver Particle Size in Relation to Atomic Particles​

We understand there's many experts in the Colloidal Silver industry. Many have Ph.D.’s and or Doctorates and offer authoritative information that may be to the best of their knowledge.  But having a Doctorate or PhD does not confer infallibility.  Everyone, regardless of their Doctorates and Phd's makes mistakes from time to time, though a great deal are not willing to admit this.

We found inconsistencies with explanations offered of particle sizes and total atom content on other websites. To either corroborate or refute these statements, we visited several universities to verify some basic facts. After all, these institutions are the ones that award the PhD's, and Diplomas.  We encourage you to do your own research and you'll find our explanations correlate with the information being taught at University classrooms.

(SRI International is a nonprofit research institute headquartered in Menlo Park, California. The trustees of Stanford University established SRI in 1946. It was made as a center of technical innovation and also as an aid to support development  in the area. As such, SRI is a well known affiliate of Standford University). This website provides a very accurate rendition of perspectives in relation to scale and size of objects. It also includes images of the sizes of nanoparticles and of bacteria, viruses etc.
The image above, from Stanford University's Engineering Department, shows isolated 2 nm and 5 nm silver nanoparticles, inside the nanoparticles you can see the atoms on the surface of the nanoparticle spheres. 

There are hundreds and even up to tens of thousands of individual atoms in a 5nm particle. What is not depicted are nanoparticles that are larger than 5nm, which sizes can exceed 200nm, such large particles may contain 250,000 to almost Millions of Atoms.  

This clearly illustrates that an atom of silver cannot be 239 nm, as has been stated by other researchers.  When you can easily see silver atoms on a nanoparticle that is 2 nm in size, obviously the atoms are smaller than 2 nm

When looking at size measurements, an Angstrom (Symbol Å) is about the same size as an Atom, 10 Hydrogen Atoms (Angstroms) equal 1 nm. Therefore, atoms are typically ten times smaller than a one-nanometer particle. Proper measurement of atomic size particles is done in angstroms. One atom equals one angstrom in size.

Many producers distort the facts! 

We found that many contradict their particle size claims and have created their  terms and definitions. 

The fact they are not willing to admit that they use chemicals (Even though the FDA reported that they do use chemicals, and hundreds of patents prove that chemicals are used)should immediately raise a Red Flag, and everything they state should be questioned. Again, just because they have their own laboratory does not make them an Honest Authority on colloidal products since they will report what best suits their market share. 
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These products and statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or to prescribe medication for a treatment. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet or supplementation program. Product availability, pricing, and promotions are subject to change without notice. 

Topics discussed: Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver Particle Size in relation to Nanoparticles and Microns

Here is another wonderful website that gives you a size comparison based on the factors of multiplying by the power of 10. This short video brings you from the edge of galaxies to the size of earth down to the size of a tree leaf. And continues to show reductions in size with nanoparticles, viruses, bacteria, atomic particles, all the way down to quarks. 

Florida State University sponsored information

In recent years, engineers have paid particular attention to nanoparticles of the noble metals: silver, gold, palladium, platinum and so forth. These metals are well known to support localized surface plasmon resonances in larger particles. Plasmons are the collective oscillation of electrons at the metal surface in response to light or an electric field.

Additionally, other important physical properties can be driven when plasmons are constrained in extremely small spaces, like the nanoparticles Dionne and Scholl studied, a phenomenon known as quantum confinement.

Depending on the shape and size of the particle, therefore, quantum confinement can dominate a particle's electronic and optical response. This research allows scientists, for the first time, to directly correlate a quantum-sized plasmonic particle's geometry--its shape and size--with its plasmon resonances.
A series of electron micrographs of silver nanospheres of between two and ten nanometers in diameter. Individual atoms are visible within the particles. Photo: Jonathan Scholl | Stanford Engineering
Atoms inside Nanoparticles
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In 2001 an article surfaced that was written by By Francis S. Key and George Maass, Ph.D. called Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles

"...A single silver atom can be considered to be an atomic sized particle of metallic silver. It is the smallest size of silver matter that exists. The diameter of a single silver atom is 0.288 nm. While it is theoretically possible to have a particle of metallic silver that consists of a single atomin practice particles are much larger and consist of many atoms..." 

"....The particle size typically observed in colloidal silver has been measured in the range of 5 to 200 nanometers..."

This article states that they agree that Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver is possible, but not in 2001. They further explain that nanoparticles have been observed to be 5 nm to 200 nm. This is a very interesting conclusion because it is confirmation that nanoparticle colloidal generators do produce consistent particles sizes. 

The Rice University has presented indisputable evidence 
that nanoparticle colloidal silver solutions contain IONS as well, 

Ions can be a minimum of two atoms and up and are much smaller than nanoparticles

  The Rice University states that it is the IONS that are responsible for the Low PPM nanoparticle colloidal silver limited success and not the nanoparticles.

They also said in their report that there is not enough PPM in the nanoparticle colloids, and because of that virus and bacteria build resistance to nanoparticle colloidal silver.

A major impediment to the Low PPM nanoparticle production process is that it does not produce consistent particles sizes, they can be very small to very large with a mixture of ions.
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Colloidal Silver Parts Per Million in Relation to Atoms
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