Is Argyria – The Blue Skin Condition Caused by Colloidal Silver Use?

Colloidal Silver Side Effects Argyria | Blue Man - Skin Hoax
Testing Colloidal Silver PPM
This 81 year old Medical book has been confiscated, destroyed and kept secret by Big Pharmaceutical companies. It has taught doctors, nurses and pharmacists how to make antiseptics, Colloidal Silver and other medicines.  And it reveals the secrets the Big Pharmaceutical companies do not want you to know: 

How to make your own Colloidal Silver compounds.   

*Text Book of Materia Medica and Their Therapeutics by A.S Blumgarten, 6th Edition, M.D., F.A.C.P. printed by The McMillan Company in New York. 1935, the first Edition was written in 1914.  
Secrets Low PPM Chemical Colloidal Silver Producers do not want you to know!

Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver:  
Fourteen things you need to know before 
you waste your money. 

Colloidal Silver Atoms: 
Six Reasons Why they are better.

paid shill
Paul Karason admitted to the Argyria Blue Man Hoax Scheme: 
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These products and statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or to prescribe medication for a treatment. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet or supplementation program. Product availability, pricing, and promotions are subject to change without notice.    

Topics Discussed: What are the Colloidal Silver Side Effects: What is Argyria, Colloidal Silver History, Who is the Blue Man, Who is Paul Karason why did he turn blue, Genetic Inclined to have Blue Skin, real blue people, dangers of colloidal silver
GoldenGevity High PPM Products
Open weekdays 9 AM- 4 PM 
Contradicting Evidence That Debunks the Argyria Blue Man Blue Skin Scare Campaign
Paul Karason Self Sacrificed Blue man
Fugates of Kentucky Natural Blue Skin Family
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We believe that you must have been searching for reasonable answers to the recent Blue Man Scare Agenda. 

We know how it feels to be threatened by the side effects that relates to the use of certain drugs and as such we are here to answer you're urgent questions. 

We can confidently tell you that the whole Blue Man Scare Agenda is a groundless plan to ward you off from using colloidal silver. 

The fact remains that the chemicals present in most Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver products can trigger Argyria in people that are genetically inclined to having Argyria. 

Also, the MASSIVE nanoparticles that get stuck in the cellular membranes are the two largest reason for the cause of Argyria. Reading on, you will find that Argyria is extremely rare, and the scare campaign is unjustified. 
When you take a good look at previous reports, it is clearly evident to see that the Colloidal Silver industry is rife with Paid Shills who create false information to mislead people, another good example of that is the most recent U.S. Election for POTUS in 2016. 

Today, pharmaceutical corporations spend thousands of dollars to discredit colloidal silver to keep pharmaceutical drugs at the forefront, and not dietary supplements. The more sick and unhealthy people are, the more money they make as well as the doctors, and well-organized hospitals that over charge the insurance companies and are rewarded with many perks and incentives to promote their products.

If you research and study our website, and you will understand that our Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver is 100% natural, meaning that they are not made with any chemicals from start to finish. We have consistent particles sizes hundreds of thousands of times smaller than nanoparticles. Moreover, they are way too small to get stuck in the membranes. 

Apart from these, if you take your time to study all the information provided on our site, you will clearly understand why we meet and exceed all known standards that apply to other nanoparticle products. You will definitely see why there is resistance to our Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver Products by pharmaceutical companies as well as competitors in our industry, and that is because THEY WORK.
As we mentioned earlier, the Colloidal Silver Industry is swarming with paid critics that spread information to scare people and discourage them from using colloidal silver. 

They have gone as far as making use of software to keep track of popular forums and blogs that allow users to post their comments and opinions. They use this software to monitor users comments, so when anything that relates to colloidal silver is mentioned, the critics instantly uploads several pictures of the blue man. 

As we all know, fear is a major tactic that these people use to keep people away from our products, however, their claims are completely baseless as they still lack factual evidence to back up their falsified accusations.
He shamelessly admitted to creating his blue skin condition by producing his homemade silver compounds that were saturated with harmful chemicals that are capable of causing Argyria. Then he intensified the blue color by going under a tanning bed for hours every day until he achieved his wanted blue color.

The loss of hair, as well as whitening of his hair and beard, resulted from the use of chemicals that have been reported to cause gray hair and even hair loss. 

According to the FDA, most colloidal silver manufacturers use chemicals to produce their colloidal silver. It is also noteworthy to mention that the nanoparticles are too large and they can get stuck in the cell membrane, and they may also block the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. 

According to ABC reports, a Genetic Blue Skin Family exists. 
They are known to come from the Fugate ancestry and have a genetic condition known as methemoglobinemia. In the case of this family, The condition is considered natural as it was passed down through a recessive gene and it became more evident through intermarriage. The Fugates of Kentucky has been known to have blue skin for decades as the condition was genetic. Hence, this fact refutes the industry false claims since it clearly proves that you have to be genetically altered to have blue skin. 

Generally speaking, Argyria is also known as Methemoglobinemia. It usually takes a chemical disturbance to trigger the blue skin condition. It is also clear to see that Argyria is a very infrequent skin condition that has been known to affect very few people that were most likely genetically susceptible and allergic to chemicals that cause Methemoglobinemia.
For over 165 years, there have only been three prominent pictures of people with this rare skin condition. One of them happens to be a man known as Paul Karason. Paid critics have been known to take advantage of the gullible by promoting these pictures which in turn turns them away from making use of colloidal silver.

It is, however, noteworthy to mention that the other two people have no documented medical reports that attest to the claim that silver was the cause of Argyria. 

The use of silver to treat various sicknesses and diseases dates back to 1850. However, the name of the solution was not known as colloidal silver back then, but it was known as Collargolum. Since colloidal silver has been used for over 165 years with little to no side effects, it cannot be said that these three incidents warrants ostracizing colloidal silver from the group of healthy supplements.

It has been stated that over 23,000,000 people have been reported to use colloidal silver. If you were to consider the number of years that have transpired since 1850 until today, then calculate the billions of people that have come and gone. Compare that to the few declared cases of Argyria, you'll quickly see why the FDA has not outlawed colloidal silver, it's simply not as dangerous as the paid shills claim.

With all these evidence it is obvious to see that these false cases have been intentionally propagated to keep you from the truth. 

Large pharmaceutical companies will surely say and do whatever they deem necessary to prevent you from discovering the amazing benefits of pure colloidal silver.  Right from inception to date, there have been no reported cases of death caused by the ingestion of colloidal silver.

If Colloidal Silver were a real threat, you would see blue people on every street corner, and you would have about 3.8 million people living with Argyria. If Colloidal Silver were as dangerous as claimed or promoted by the paid critics, there would have been thousands of blue people in many hospital rooms, and as a consequence, you'd see it reported by every major news network and it would have been banned by now. 
The fact remains that Colloidal Silver is not a danger and the Scare Campaign Tactics only benefits pharmaceutical giants. 
If you study our website carefully, you will find that it's the conventional Low PPM nanoparticle and Ionic Silver that could cause the Blue Skin Condition.

1. Most nanoparticle products are unstable, and the particles can range from tiny to gigantic. The large particles are the ones that get stuck in the kidneys as well as in the body's cell membrane.

2. The presence of chemicals in the traditional colloidal silver may accelerate the chances of getting the Blue Skin Condition.

3. Miners may have had silver powder landed in their mouths. Such particles would go to the bottom of the stomach or the lungs where the chemical acids would create other silver chemical compounds that could trigger the side effects, but again, you would have to be genetically inclined to do so. To date, there are no known cases of Argyria being caused by silver mine dust. 

As we all know, Health Care Professionals are no longer prescribing antibiotics, couple that with the fact that over 15,000 people die every month due to doctor prescribed medications, you are left with no alternatives.

Consequently, you must choose the BEST and SAFEST Colloidal Silver to have and maintain your perfect health.
Pure Colloidal Silver 500 to 12,000 PPM and can exceed 18,000 PPM!

No chemicals, phosphates, cyanide's, nitrates, or organic plant extracts (they still cause other chemicals to manifest) and even Embalming Fluid (Formaldehyde) are never used in our production process. 

As shown on the picture on the picture above to the left, our products PPM can be tested in your home or office with an inexpensive TDS Meter. 

While others have to hide their ugly looking chemicals in Dark, Amber, or Non-Seethrough Bottles to conceal their chemical solutions, we do not. Our 100% Natural Non-Chemical Use process not only produces the world's smallest particle size but also delivers the safest colloidal products on the market.

The fact that we can ship products in Clear See Through Bottles makes a statment of Purity and 100% Natural Products!

Since the Particles Are Atomic in Size, means They cannot get "Stuck" in the Membranes.

Our High PPM Colloidal Solutions Have Never Been (and never will be) Determined to Cause Argyria or Blue Skin because we have eliminated the two main problems with the traditional colloidal silver product.
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Colloidal Silver
High PPM Atomic Particle AG can be verified with a TDS Meter
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